Token Information
Token Information
Token Name
TokenToken Symbol/Ticker
Token Contract Address
Omnichain BASE /AVAX / SOLANA /ETH Contract address not yet available
Accepted Currency
Public Price per Token
to be announced
Project Valuation -
Fully diluted market cap value
Initial Market Cap with Liquidity
Initial Market Cap without Liquidity
Token Supply
Hard Cap -
Seed $750 000.00 FDV 7.5M
Private A $900 000.00 FDV 12M
Private B $900 000.00 FDV 18M
KOL $420 000.00 FDV 21M
Public $720,000.00 FDV 24M
Token Utility
The token economy of FLOWTRADE.aiis intricately designed to enhance user engagement and maximize the utility of the $AIZ token through a robust tier-based staking system. In this economy, users can participate in both a CEX API model and a DEX Omnichain dLP model, where staking $AIZ tokens grants them substantial benefits such as trading fee buybacks and SaaS discounts. These benefits scale across multiple tiers, encouraging increased investment and deeper involvement in the platform's trading activities. This structure not only incentivizes the active and sustained use of the platform but also aligns user interests with’s growth objectives by enhancing the intrinsic value of the $AIZ token through direct participation in trading and subscription services. As users escalate their stake, they unlock greater efficiencies and cost savings, promoting a healthy, liquid, and engaged trading environment across both centralized and decentralized frameworks.Use cases
Trading Volume-Linked Staking Benefits:
Enhanced Trading and Staking Incentives: Expansion of boosts demand for $AIZ tokens. Stakers benefit from reduced fees, driving higher trading volumes and longer holds.
Sustained Demand Through Tiered Discounts: Tier-based staking system motivates users to acquire and stake more $AIZ, stabilizing token demand and ecosystem economics.
Fee-Based Revenue Redistribution:
Direct Link to Revenue Streams: $AIZ is tied to platform revenue streams (trading fees, SaaS fees). Revenue growth drives token demand and value.
Fee Discounts as Value Drivers: Staking tiers offer fee discounts, attracting and retaining users, expanding the user base, and compounding token utility and value.
Decentralized Liquidity Pool (dLP) Dynamics:
Liquidity and Trading Efficiency: dLP stakers enhance liquidity, reducing slippage and attracting larger trades, increasing platform volume and $AIZ value.
Incentivizing Deep Liquidity with Reduced Fees: Lower fees for higher dLP stakes encourage prolonged liquidity provisioning, crucial for DEX competitiveness and platform success.
Through these mechanisms, $AIZ accrues substantial value as grows, aligning its value with ecosystem success. Economic incentives drive adoption and loyalty, fostering growth and value retention within the ecosystem.
Soul-Bound Tokens ($lAIZ)
​ introduces a loyalty-driven mechanism through soul-bound tokens called $lAIZ, which are earned through various user activities and cannot be transferred or traded. These tokens are designed to foster deep user engagement and loyalty to the platform.Ways to Earn $lAIZ:
Purchasing SaaS subscriptions.
Active trading on the platform.
Depositing assets into the platform.
Sharing profitable trading results on social media.
Making referrals and other reputable actions within the ecosystem.
Benefits of Holding $lAIZ:
1.SaaS Discounts: Reduced costs on subscription services.
2.Decreased Commission Rates on DEX: Lower trading fees on decentralized exchanges.
3.Yield Bearing on $AIZ: Holders earn yields in $AIZ tokens.
GTM Strategy
Pre-Launch AirdropPrior to the official $AIZ token generation event (TGE), plans to distribute $AIZ tokens to holders of $lAIZ via an airdrop at token generation event. This initiative is designed to reward early adopters and stimulate initial platform engagement. The tentative vesting schedule for this airdrop is:20% TGE, 2M Cliff, 4M Vesting.However, the user can utilize all unvested tokens towards their staking tiers in order to take part in the platform at a discount and enjoy the many benefits for holding the $AIZ token.Objectives:
Build a committed and engaged user base from the start.
Encourage early and continuous platform interaction through incentives.
Kickstart trading activity and liquidity provision with a focus on community building.
Prepare for an impactful public launch by establishing strong user metrics and engagement KPIs.
Enhance the initial utility demand for $AIZ alongside speculative buy pressure to ensure a robust launch on tier-1 exchanges.
This strategy ensures that leverages web3 network effects to create a vibrant community around its trading platform, setting the stage for sustained growth and success.
Last updated